Welcome to our CFP Archives. This page acts as a storage of our past Calls for Papers. All the CFPs for events and publications initiated by GAA will be recorded here.
Asian Folklore, Folk Horror and the Gothic
The inaugural double event of the Gothic in Asia Association [GAA] organized in cooperation with the National Chengchi University [NCCU] in Taiwan.
Intersections of Crime and the Gothic
The first Asian Captivating Criminality conference of the International Crime Fiction Association [ICFA] organised in cooperation with the Gothic in Asia Association [GAA] and the BALAC Programme of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.
Edited Collections
Poetry and the Gothic
Article proposals are welcome for an upcoming collection on Poetry and the Gothic, edited by Li-hsin Hsu, Samantha Landau and Thomas Leonard Shaw. We invite 300 word abstracts on topics related to the Gothic and poetry, broadly considered, for an edited collection to be submitted to an academic publisher. With your abstract, please include a brief 100 word bio. Abstract submission deadline: June 15th, 2024.
Asian Popular Culture and the Gothic
Article proposals are welcome for an upcoming collection on Asian Popular Culture and the Gothic, edited by Li-hsin Hsu, Deimantas Valančiūnas and Katarzyna Ancuta. The collection is planned for submission to the Routledge Advances in Popular Culture Studies series.